since tomorrow is 25th of December,,Merry Christmas to ppl that celebrates it!
a bit early,,huh,,*maybe i won't on9 tomorrow,that's why,,*
i want to share yabuhika love now,,haha,,
okay,,do you notice it??
they have same hairstyles,,babe!!
next,,i found it myself just now while browsing their pics in my lappy,,=p
wonder what??
yatta!a great combi,,one with bass and the other with guitar,,
AND they got same roles for different photo shoot! i guess it's fate,,lol~
continue to become best friends and create songs together,,
music:tears and smiles,surely!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
wallie for mini JUMP
youhoo,,the title said it all,,
i got bored all of a sudden and made some simple wallie for HSJ,,only two though,,
it's not that i don't hv any work,,ISL makes me sick!
okay,,i present to you,,*with sound effect*
i like to see lots of them,,and the pose for each of them slightly different,ne,,
music:one in a million-YamaPi
Saturday, December 18, 2010
so, smile
know what, my exam result is out yesterday,,i'm really nervous,yo!
basically,i just did some last minute study and luckily the result comes out pretty well,,huhh,,
just 3.7,,BUT i'm grateful enough despite my laziness,,yeah,,
lol,,who can resist this cuteness??hika.hika.
basically,i just did some last minute study and luckily the result comes out pretty well,,huhh,,
just 3.7,,BUT i'm grateful enough despite my laziness,,yeah,,
lol,,who can resist this cuteness??hika.hika.
Monday, December 13, 2010
arigatou ne,,since JUMP gonna release their sixth single,,i've been really mad about the song,,the performance,,all of it!
they really kakkoii in the suit in the pv,,
argh,,just random thought ne,,just a short entry,,
mood:hika juggling....
they really kakkoii in the suit in the pv,,
argh,,just random thought ne,,just a short entry,,
mood:hika juggling....
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
double shot!
how come i forgot to post the JUMP's birthday here,,huhu,,
*only updated it via fb,,*
30.11 and 2.12 is the day,,
dear chii and hikka,otanjoubi omedetou!!
edited pic for them,,
stay cool and cute as always even though your age increase,,lol,,
music:smile song-HSJ
how come i forgot to post the JUMP's birthday here,,huhu,,
*only updated it via fb,,*
30.11 and 2.12 is the day,,
dear chii and hikka,otanjoubi omedetou!!
edited pic for them,,
stay cool and cute as always even though your age increase,,lol,,
music:smile song-HSJ
Saturday, November 13, 2010
yes,,finally,,i'm at home right now,,(luckily,no flood here!)
okay2,,to tell you bout my exam:it's suck BUT i'm satisfied enough!
haha,,they're saying that what we study is what will we get,,argh!!
just talking about it make me stress,,know what?
i'm sticked with my lappy n on9,,lol,,
AND i had finished my foundation course,,hopefully i can pursue my degree in TESL,,(united 56 of us stand,,)
forever love of my life,,
p/s:maintain cool,dear!
music:deep night-HSJ
okay2,,to tell you bout my exam:it's suck BUT i'm satisfied enough!
haha,,they're saying that what we study is what will we get,,argh!!
just talking about it make me stress,,know what?
i'm sticked with my lappy n on9,,lol,,
AND i had finished my foundation course,,hopefully i can pursue my degree in TESL,,(united 56 of us stand,,)
forever love of my life,,
p/s:maintain cool,dear!
music:deep night-HSJ
Thursday, November 4, 2010
yeah,,i know everyone in perlis(who have a blog of course!) will post this entry,,
flood!it's been almost a week,,we have gone through a rainy day non-stop which make us shivering in the thick blanket,,
well,i got two more paper but i still don't study,,not even read the content,,
wth?ipg become an island as we are surrounded by flood,,AND it's hard to get food as every shop is closed,,(from what i've heard.)
know what,,luckily we received free food,,huhu,,i'm so grateful,,
hopefully my english and social studies exam will go on smoothly next week,,
can't wait to go back home,,afterall,,home sweet home!
here are some pictures that i took from ipg's senior while reading his/her blog,,hehe,,
in front of my ipg,,
from different angle,,
the guard post also received the same fate,,
some of the students that went home using a tractor,,i want to ride it too!
next,,i captured it by myself,,
the view from my block,,
actually there are lots of it,,BUT,,
i'm too lazy too upload it,,haha,,
i only took a walk,,not playing with the water,,WHY?
only me,myself knows the reason,,heee~
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
study leave x leave study
haha,,ak amek word sir madiku,,
skang ne kn study week,,so,,dye bglah pesanan2 yg menusuk kalbu kan,,acece~
hmm,,tp td tgok G.I. Joe jap,,gle complicated!adkah soalan examku akn jd begitu?oh tidak!
bce bku blue je,,otak pon pening suda,,meh ak tunjuk korang bukunye,,
ya,,merekalah penyebabnye,,haha,,pk len ke?
hmm,,jadual exam pon dh kua,,xofficial lg sebenrnye,,kuang3x,,
yela,,dak2 ipg kn semangat,,nk beli tiket balik lg kan,,kene rancang awal2 beb!
nseb bek ad spy2 berhemah menyebarkannya,,shoooh~~
::1/11::language description okay,,(not language
::2/11::language development,,(enhance our skills??)
::9/11::english studies,,(literature,huh,,)
::10/11::social studies,,(not so easy as it had been long since i read a newspaper,,yeah,,current issues is a must in our head,,)
::12/11::yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!go home,,
so,,wish me luck!will not update dis blog for a while,,
music:i believe myself-ft island
skang ne kn study week,,so,,dye bglah pesanan2 yg menusuk kalbu kan,,acece~
hmm,,tp td tgok G.I. Joe jap,,gle complicated!adkah soalan examku akn jd begitu?oh tidak!
bce bku blue je,,otak pon pening suda,,meh ak tunjuk korang bukunye,,
ya,,merekalah penyebabnye,,haha,,pk len ke?
hmm,,jadual exam pon dh kua,,xofficial lg sebenrnye,,kuang3x,,
yela,,dak2 ipg kn semangat,,nk beli tiket balik lg kan,,kene rancang awal2 beb!
nseb bek ad spy2 berhemah menyebarkannya,,shoooh~~
::1/11::language description okay,,(not language
::2/11::language development,,(enhance our skills??)
::9/11::english studies,,(literature,huh,,)
::10/11::social studies,,(not so easy as it had been long since i read a newspaper,,yeah,,current issues is a must in our head,,)
::12/11::yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!go home,,
so,,wish me luck!will not update dis blog for a while,,
music:i believe myself-ft island
Monday, October 25, 2010
happy birthday,ayip!!
ne adik ak r,,251092,,
nah gamba sebijik!
bajet skema jep kan,,wekkk~~
-jd matang cket boley x??hehe,,(ke ak yg xmatured sebenarnye,,)
-study leklok taw,,ko kn harapan,,(ak tkut jd harapan,,pass kt ko~)
-ad citer best,,citer2 kt ak,,
-hmm,,yg len tuh mls nk stori kat sini,,(cam membebel lak kan,,)ceit!
so,,sebab dye minat sgt horikita maki,,xkenal ke?ish!korang dok zaman mane ek?cari kat en google jelah!
ne gambanye,,cun siot!
and,,happy birthday tuk odil,,
adik ak gak,,haha,,1110,,
ari tuh xsempat nk post,,nnt sy bg amanat kt umah ek,,hehe~~
p/s:nk adiah x???hah,lame...
ne adik ak r,,251092,,
nah gamba sebijik!
bajet skema jep kan,,wekkk~~
-jd matang cket boley x??hehe,,(ke ak yg xmatured sebenarnye,,)
-study leklok taw,,ko kn harapan,,(ak tkut jd harapan,,pass kt ko~)
-ad citer best,,citer2 kt ak,,
-hmm,,yg len tuh mls nk stori kat sini,,(cam membebel lak kan,,)ceit!
so,,sebab dye minat sgt horikita maki,,xkenal ke?ish!korang dok zaman mane ek?cari kat en google jelah!
ne gambanye,,cun siot!
and,,happy birthday tuk odil,,
adik ak gak,,haha,,1110,,
ari tuh xsempat nk post,,nnt sy bg amanat kt umah ek,,hehe~~
p/s:nk adiah x???hah,lame...
Sunday, October 24, 2010
gerko day
gerko day?pehal lak dekat2 nk exam ad gerko day lak kan??hehe~
bak kate en hanafi,,kite kene enjoy dlu b4 exam!btoi gak kan,,xsgke cik napi ne pikir pasal student dye,,haha,,dan menghabiskan duet kitorang!
ya!tu lah motif tersembunyi,,acece~ko enjoy gak kan mai,,(xnk ngaku lg ne,,)
sebenarnye,,entri ne lmbt sehari,,oke2,,
mule2,,ak malas sgt nk pegi kan,,takat nk abeskan kupon rm5 tu je lah konon-kononnye,,
tetibe,,marcell xdpt men games wall e,,n dorang ajak ak men ganti dye kan,,
ak orait jep,,haha,,ak suke men2 ne,,yola,,dok bilik bukan study pon!
games ne mcm tuju seliper kot,,gune air bancuhan berwarna+tepung!seluar ak jgn cakap r,,kotor gle!
n kitorang pon kalah 2nd round tuh!part ne memang xpuas hati gle ah,,suke-suki je tukar peraturan,,argh,,malas nk citer,,
first time ak merayap ngan k.eidaa,,dah xnmpk btg hidung dak2 len,,ak pon g aci redah je lah,,
ak ne mmg teringin sgt nk nek flying fox tuh!pergh,,best kot,,ak n edaa pon gerak menunggu giliran,,naseb bek kitorang pkai kasut!
tp,,tader gamba lah kan,,punye gabra first time kot,,then,,kitorang gerak g futsal,,
nk tgok dorang men r kan,,kat cni r dok melekat lame,,hehe,,
team dak pompuan tesl aka kodomo lion akhirnye berjaye dpt no.2!haha,,
gle kentang ah dorang!pastu xpasal2 kitorang b'gambar skali ngan dorang sebagai penyokong dorang,,aisey~
next,,ad mkn free kt umah cousin meksyu neh,,area perlis gak r kan,,rezeki jgn ditolak,,beb!ak,edaa,erni n meksyu nek kete yento,,n yg len nek kete cikgusi,,
haha,,pekene r laksa sorang satu n muruku,,kire kitorang ne org last dtg,,so,,byk mknn abes lah of course,,
blik ipg,,sume dh penat gle ah,,pas membersihkn dri,,paham2 jelah ap yg ak buat kan,,
mlm tu lak ad persembahan kot,,ak dh r confident gle xnk pegi!then,,ak on r fb jap,,tetibe didi ajk trun lak,,setelah pelbagai godaan dan cobaan yg dilakukan oleh beliau,,ak pon setuju nk trun,,ceh,,xtetap btoi pendirian ak neh!
mmg meriah gle mlm tuh,,persembahan dak2 junior,,etc,,kelas r dak muzik!ske tgok dorang men gitar,,bass,,etc,,
sketsa,,tarian,,silat n mcm2 lg ah,,
dlm kul 11.30 kitorang pon rase bosan kot,,ngantuk punye pasal!padahal byk lg group xperform,,ciao dlu r kan,,
dh blik tu,,ngade2 xmo tido lak,,sebok lyn other bloggers,,haha,,smpai xlarat nk taip entri sendri,,ceit!!
alamak,,citer buzzer beat!ak lupe siot,,gerak dlu!
ak suke yamaPi!smart gle ah dye dlm citer ne,, <3 <3
p/s:nape orienteering taun ne dpt medal n hamper?yg kalah pon?sungguh xadil!taun lepas ak n muni dpt no.1,,dpt rm20 je,,argh~~why2??
p/s/s:xdpt tgok citer!!argh!!!geram2,,kene beli cd je r,,bencinye dorang!
bak kate en hanafi,,kite kene enjoy dlu b4 exam!btoi gak kan,,xsgke cik napi ne pikir pasal student dye,,haha,,dan menghabiskan duet kitorang!
ya!tu lah motif tersembunyi,,acece~ko enjoy gak kan mai,,(xnk ngaku lg ne,,)
sebenarnye,,entri ne lmbt sehari,,oke2,,
mule2,,ak malas sgt nk pegi kan,,takat nk abeskan kupon rm5 tu je lah konon-kononnye,,
tetibe,,marcell xdpt men games wall e,,n dorang ajak ak men ganti dye kan,,
ak orait jep,,haha,,ak suke men2 ne,,yola,,dok bilik bukan study pon!
games ne mcm tuju seliper kot,,gune air bancuhan berwarna+tepung!seluar ak jgn cakap r,,kotor gle!
n kitorang pon kalah 2nd round tuh!part ne memang xpuas hati gle ah,,suke-suki je tukar peraturan,,argh,,malas nk citer,,
first time ak merayap ngan k.eidaa,,dah xnmpk btg hidung dak2 len,,ak pon g aci redah je lah,,
ak ne mmg teringin sgt nk nek flying fox tuh!pergh,,best kot,,ak n edaa pon gerak menunggu giliran,,naseb bek kitorang pkai kasut!
tp,,tader gamba lah kan,,punye gabra first time kot,,then,,kitorang gerak g futsal,,
nk tgok dorang men r kan,,kat cni r dok melekat lame,,hehe,,
team dak pompuan tesl aka kodomo lion akhirnye berjaye dpt no.2!haha,,
gle kentang ah dorang!pastu xpasal2 kitorang b'gambar skali ngan dorang sebagai penyokong dorang,,aisey~
next,,ad mkn free kt umah cousin meksyu neh,,area perlis gak r kan,,rezeki jgn ditolak,,beb!ak,edaa,erni n meksyu nek kete yento,,n yg len nek kete cikgusi,,
haha,,pekene r laksa sorang satu n muruku,,kire kitorang ne org last dtg,,so,,byk mknn abes lah of course,,
blik ipg,,sume dh penat gle ah,,pas membersihkn dri,,paham2 jelah ap yg ak buat kan,,
mlm tu lak ad persembahan kot,,ak dh r confident gle xnk pegi!then,,ak on r fb jap,,tetibe didi ajk trun lak,,setelah pelbagai godaan dan cobaan yg dilakukan oleh beliau,,ak pon setuju nk trun,,ceh,,xtetap btoi pendirian ak neh!
mmg meriah gle mlm tuh,,persembahan dak2 junior,,etc,,kelas r dak muzik!ske tgok dorang men gitar,,bass,,etc,,
sketsa,,tarian,,silat n mcm2 lg ah,,
dlm kul 11.30 kitorang pon rase bosan kot,,ngantuk punye pasal!padahal byk lg group xperform,,ciao dlu r kan,,
dh blik tu,,ngade2 xmo tido lak,,sebok lyn other bloggers,,haha,,smpai xlarat nk taip entri sendri,,ceit!!
alamak,,citer buzzer beat!ak lupe siot,,gerak dlu!
ak suke yamaPi!smart gle ah dye dlm citer ne,, <3 <3
p/s:nape orienteering taun ne dpt medal n hamper?yg kalah pon?sungguh xadil!taun lepas ak n muni dpt no.1,,dpt rm20 je,,argh~~why2??
p/s/s:xdpt tgok citer!!argh!!!geram2,,kene beli cd je r,,bencinye dorang!
Friday, October 22, 2010
krok,,krok,,boring siot!
abes kelas literature yg bosan tuh,,sesi ngan mentor,,
then,,tangkap gamba satu kelas,,pastu makan,,argh,,bosan kot,,
ak pon lyn r belog2 membe,,smpai mate ne pon xlrt nk bce,,hehe,,
ha,,ak jmpe satu mende yg agk best tuk dikongsi bersame lah kan,,
bace je lah ek,,
"When u attack Black people, they call it racism.When u attack
Jewish people,they call it anti-semetism.When u attack
women,they call it sexism.When u attack homosexuality,they
call it intolerance. When u attack a Country, they call it
treason.When u attack a religious sect, they call it hate. But
when they attack the Prophet Mohammed, they call it freedom
of speech?"
gamba ne ad kaitan ke ek?haha,,saje2,,
p/s:ap korang rase ha?jgn mencarut seh,,peace no war!
abes kelas literature yg bosan tuh,,sesi ngan mentor,,
then,,tangkap gamba satu kelas,,pastu makan,,argh,,bosan kot,,
ak pon lyn r belog2 membe,,smpai mate ne pon xlrt nk bce,,hehe,,
ha,,ak jmpe satu mende yg agk best tuk dikongsi bersame lah kan,,
bace je lah ek,,
"When u attack Black people, they call it racism.When u attack
Jewish people,they call it anti-semetism.When u attack
women,they call it sexism.When u attack homosexuality,they
call it intolerance. When u attack a Country, they call it
treason.When u attack a religious sect, they call it hate. But
when they attack the Prophet Mohammed, they call it freedom
of speech?"
gamba ne ad kaitan ke ek?haha,,saje2,,
p/s:ap korang rase ha?jgn mencarut seh,,peace no war!
dis week movie~
movie n movie n movie,,no end of it,huh,,
even though exam is around the corner,,i watched movies if i'm feel free,,hehe,,
yeah,,study is my priority but we need to save it to others too!
there are four movies that i have watched,,
1st: she's the man.(rating: 91/2 /10)
lots of comedy in it,,Viola likes soccer so much dat he replaced her twin in the other school,,all because of the elimination of women's soccer in her school.
there she stayed with Duke, the hot guy yet clueless when it comes to women,,AND SO ON...
2nd: when in rome.(rating: 8/10)
they are so cute!look at the height difference,,
basically,the girl is a workaholic and have no time to be in love,,
her sister got married first at Rome and there where she met the guy,who befriended with the bridegroom,,AND SO ON...
3rd: letters to juliet.(rating: 9/10)
yeah,,dis is some kind of romance too,,i like the soundtrack in dis movie,,
love story,,what if,,etc,,
Sophie get engaged with Victor,a chef,,
but Victor always obsessed with his work and ignore Sophie's feeling when they went to honeymoon before married,,
then,she saw a place where lots of people writing a letter to juliet while crying,,it begins when she replied a 50 years letter that he found in the wall,,
the granny and her grandson, Charlie came over to find her true love after got the replied letter,,AND SO ON...
4th: the back up plan.(rating:7/10)
i don't really like dis movie dat much because the emotions of pregnant women inside it kinda annoyed me,,hehe,,
so,she likes baby so much and she undergo some operation to 'implant' the sperm from sperm bank,,
as usual,then she fall in love with a guy that she always bump into,,its fate,,like the guy said,,
it's also funny when the guy thinks lots of things about the baby,,because it's twin when they scanned,,haha,,AND SO ON...
p/s: actually i hv lots of movie collection,but i accidentally deleted it!
no regrets at all~~(lucky i'd watched all of it,,)
even though exam is around the corner,,i watched movies if i'm feel free,,hehe,,
yeah,,study is my priority but we need to save it to others too!
there are four movies that i have watched,,
1st: she's the man.(rating: 91/2 /10)
lots of comedy in it,,Viola likes soccer so much dat he replaced her twin in the other school,,all because of the elimination of women's soccer in her school.
there she stayed with Duke, the hot guy yet clueless when it comes to women,,AND SO ON...
2nd: when in rome.(rating: 8/10)
they are so cute!look at the height difference,,
basically,the girl is a workaholic and have no time to be in love,,
her sister got married first at Rome and there where she met the guy,who befriended with the bridegroom,,AND SO ON...
3rd: letters to juliet.(rating: 9/10)
yeah,,dis is some kind of romance too,,i like the soundtrack in dis movie,,
love story,,what if,,etc,,
Sophie get engaged with Victor,a chef,,
but Victor always obsessed with his work and ignore Sophie's feeling when they went to honeymoon before married,,
then,she saw a place where lots of people writing a letter to juliet while crying,,it begins when she replied a 50 years letter that he found in the wall,,
the granny and her grandson, Charlie came over to find her true love after got the replied letter,,AND SO ON...
4th: the back up plan.(rating:7/10)
i don't really like dis movie dat much because the emotions of pregnant women inside it kinda annoyed me,,hehe,,
so,she likes baby so much and she undergo some operation to 'implant' the sperm from sperm bank,,
as usual,then she fall in love with a guy that she always bump into,,its fate,,like the guy said,,
it's also funny when the guy thinks lots of things about the baby,,because it's twin when they scanned,,haha,,AND SO ON...
p/s: actually i hv lots of movie collection,but i accidentally deleted it!
no regrets at all~~(lucky i'd watched all of it,,)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
hati senang
wuttt,,ak dh pon mule study language description aka cik langdes,,
bangga siot,,even xsmpai 2 hours pon ak lekat,,haha,,
revision macbeth td pon ak pening2,,xberani r nk jwb ngan sir,,
fuhh,,bley tercabut tengkuk ak dok dgr good vs evil tuh!haha,,
kelas kt cni r,,56 org je kot,,
plus,,dewan pulai ne mmg sejuk gle ah,,bru maintenance lah kn,,
harap2 ak dpt capai target,,NO HAYWIRE,okay?
pesanan tuk diri sendiri:
-just be yourself.
-mood affects,control ur emotion,,geeee~~
-music is part of my life.beside study n lots more.
p/s:nape lgu sonata musim salju ne best tibe2 eh?eh?
p/s/s: happy birthday,ainil!(member mrsm dlu,,)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
ak mengalami tekanan,,agaknye lah,,huhu,,
dh la xtrun senaman pagi,,tido2 manje lak kn,,
tup2,,xder kelas,,pasal exhibition 2nd round ne r,,haih,,
yeah,,agak okay,,agak kelam kabut sikit ak,,haha,,nape ak?
cri buku grammar,,kt library,,gle outdated!ad org kate kitorang semangat,,
weh,,come on r dude!ak ne dh trang tang2 mmg lemah kn,,nk wat cmner,,
ak xmcm korang,,skali bace bley paham,,
even cmtu pon,,ak ne agak "rajin" r kan,,haha,,
dgr kate ad rombakan jadual exam!fak btoi r!
ak ne bukan penduduk tetap kt sini,,tiket pon dh beli,,
korang nk byrkn ke tiket bas ak ha!!
agak r cket,,
ne ak nk lyn lgu kuat2 neh,,
simple jep kn,,
agak-agak boley lebam x dgr lgu?haha,,
ak rase gamba ne same ngan ap yg jadik kt ak skang,,geeeeeee~
p/s: MUET kene band 3,,nseb bek bukan band 4!fuhh,,,
dh la xtrun senaman pagi,,tido2 manje lak kn,,
tup2,,xder kelas,,pasal exhibition 2nd round ne r,,haih,,
yeah,,agak okay,,agak kelam kabut sikit ak,,haha,,nape ak?
cri buku grammar,,kt library,,gle outdated!ad org kate kitorang semangat,,
weh,,come on r dude!ak ne dh trang tang2 mmg lemah kn,,nk wat cmner,,
ak xmcm korang,,skali bace bley paham,,
even cmtu pon,,ak ne agak "rajin" r kan,,haha,,
dgr kate ad rombakan jadual exam!fak btoi r!
ak ne bukan penduduk tetap kt sini,,tiket pon dh beli,,
korang nk byrkn ke tiket bas ak ha!!
agak r cket,,
ne ak nk lyn lgu kuat2 neh,,
simple jep kn,,
agak-agak boley lebam x dgr lgu?haha,,
ak rase gamba ne same ngan ap yg jadik kt ak skang,,geeeeeee~
p/s: MUET kene band 3,,nseb bek bukan band 4!fuhh,,,
Monday, October 18, 2010
lamentation of a fish~
holla,,i ate fish today!just want to brag,,hah,,
there are some things dat i want to share,,hehe,,
1st: limit ur trust...
yeah,,we never know whether that person is truthful,,we might get stabbed someday,,who know?
plus maybe they didn't even trust u at all!i learnt my mistakes,,
2nd: enjoy the class..
i think, even if we afraid or hate such kind of lesson,,try to enjoy it,,
although i'm not paying full attention at all,,just do it,,haha,,for the sake of the lecturers,,
3rd: exhibition suck...
just my own opinion,,okay,,no harm done,,most of the booth quite dull and not interesting at all,,the expression that some of them shown are not welcoming at all,,
compared to us,,we are lots more fun!haha,,credit to myself,,
4th: try to questioning & answering..
i like this class!!we called it 'pengantar pendidikan',,i think this is the time that i really be myself!
not that i'm hypocrite,,but,,i can voice out my opinion freely,,
sometimes,,it's just my stupidity,,but the lecturer is okay with that and not criticizes me badly,,
5th: who is the uncivilized people,huh?
i'm really trying hard to find out!!no answer#
music: colourful-yamaPi (old song,,hehe,,)
*yamaPi with new look,,new hairstyle,,phew~
there are some things dat i want to share,,hehe,,
1st: limit ur trust...
yeah,,we never know whether that person is truthful,,we might get stabbed someday,,who know?
plus maybe they didn't even trust u at all!i learnt my mistakes,,
2nd: enjoy the class..
i think, even if we afraid or hate such kind of lesson,,try to enjoy it,,
although i'm not paying full attention at all,,just do it,,haha,,for the sake of the lecturers,,
3rd: exhibition suck...
just my own opinion,,okay,,no harm done,,most of the booth quite dull and not interesting at all,,the expression that some of them shown are not welcoming at all,,
compared to us,,we are lots more fun!haha,,credit to myself,,
4th: try to questioning & answering..
i like this class!!we called it 'pengantar pendidikan',,i think this is the time that i really be myself!
not that i'm hypocrite,,but,,i can voice out my opinion freely,,
sometimes,,it's just my stupidity,,but the lecturer is okay with that and not criticizes me badly,,
5th: who is the uncivilized people,huh?
i'm really trying hard to find out!!no answer#
music: colourful-yamaPi (old song,,hehe,,)
*yamaPi with new look,,new hairstyle,,phew~
Sunday, October 17, 2010
dinding perut
haha,,mlm ne ak mkn nasi goreng tomyam seh,,
gle sengal perot ak neh,,engat bley r b'thn xmkn nasik kn,,
tp tu r,,bunyik xley blah,,b4 jdik pape bek ak g mkn kn,,
sorang2 je wey,,xkesah r,,janji dpt mkn,,skang ne tgh berpikir2,,
cmner nk wat essay sir zul tuh,,ak nk wat point je r kn,,xkene anta kot,,(sedapkn ati yg berdukalara..)
sbb pe ek?azam ak weekend ne hancorr,,
ak lgsung xstudy langdes,,n ak xcompletekn fail langdev,,waaarghhh!!!
cptnye mase b'lalu,,sok nk kene bangun pg lak,,
kesimpulannya,,ak ad masalah,,OVERRELAX,,
'buku itu bermain dgn sendirinya tanpa menghiraukan daku...'
p/s:ak ckp je lebat,,tp still xwat keje pon,,
gle sengal perot ak neh,,engat bley r b'thn xmkn nasik kn,,
tp tu r,,bunyik xley blah,,b4 jdik pape bek ak g mkn kn,,
sorang2 je wey,,xkesah r,,janji dpt mkn,,skang ne tgh berpikir2,,
cmner nk wat essay sir zul tuh,,ak nk wat point je r kn,,xkene anta kot,,(sedapkn ati yg berdukalara..)
sbb pe ek?azam ak weekend ne hancorr,,
ak lgsung xstudy langdes,,n ak xcompletekn fail langdev,,waaarghhh!!!
cptnye mase b'lalu,,sok nk kene bangun pg lak,,
kesimpulannya,,ak ad masalah,,OVERRELAX,,
'buku itu bermain dgn sendirinya tanpa menghiraukan daku...'
p/s:ak ckp je lebat,,tp still xwat keje pon,,
froggie oh froggie
huhu,,dis week mmg mnggu hujan r,,xpon ala2 mendung gitu ah,,haha,,
tu r,,nk bsuh bju pun jdik mls,,coz tkut lmbt kering~~
katak2 r ne,,syok nyanyi sgt,,haih,,blame katak lak kn,,hehhh,,
tp yg bestnye sejuk jep kt cni,,bkn senang nk sejuk kt tmpt yg slaloo panas ne,,
dn akibatnye ak pun asyiklah meronggeng atas katil neh,,alahai,,
ne lah resultnye,,,
haha,,bkn ak tuh,,nk study xde semangat lak r kn,,
S.O.S!!saya orang susah(susah hati..),,dh mcm pemalas tegar lak ak neh,,
ape2 pun hujan mmg best!!(xde lah mnt sgt band hujan tuh..eee)
music:raining-ft island...
Saturday, October 16, 2010
well,,ari ne ad unexpected event lak kn,,
mlm td bru dorang bg taw mdm ajak g aerobik,,dlm 3-4 org,,
ak pon wow!!lyn je r,,kul 8 nk kene siap,,
mak aih,,cm nk g kelas jep,,pergh,,thn2,,
pg tu sejuk gaban r,,mmg nyesal lak,,tp ak follow je r,,
ak,kak eda,kak jee n kak lela,,
aerobik dlm bilik kuliah unimap dengan senior pj ipg,,haih,,
air-cond 4 bijik,,amek kaw!
dak2 p.puteri tuh cume 5 org,,ak pon,,wth??
then,,xpasal2 kene blaja pasal cpr,,bab2 ne ak lemah,,
ak pon buat muke semangat plus angguk sane sini,,haha,,
dlm kul 11 lebey kot abes,,n mdm belanja laksa,,
wah2,,lame xpekene ne,,tp,,
gile pekat r!!mmg xthn,,ngeeeee~~~
blik ipg,,boring tahap gaban r,,juz lyn lgu segala,,haip,,
ne r blok ak,,haha,,look reallt smart outside,,rite?kaw2 je,,
p/s:mlm ne tataw ape jdik ngan ak,,
Friday, October 15, 2010
ke-gelabahan akuu

semangat r gak coz dh lame xdgr lgu neh,,tp,,
bab literary devices yg pyh tuh!haip!serabut otak wey,,
mood sir okay x okay,,haha~
hari ne agk best coz setiap group kene wat reply poem 4 dat,,
wargh,,teruja tol!
member ak; didi,pqah,tia,sri,siken,jaji,marcell,,,
at last,,satu produk dihasilkan,,,
ala2 first draft gitu,,
You're kind like an angel,
Your guidance comforts me,
And I appreciate what you've done.
You're unpredictable like a weather,
Your mood scares me,
But, I appreciate what you've done.
Your joy is my funfair,
Time spends with you should never end,
Because you're my something.
Your sadness is my tornado,
It destroys our moments together,
But, you're my something.
Something, forever...
marcell yg g recite,,n tgok sir pon cm okay jep,,
pndai2 r korang interpret eh,,
seisi ngan mentor,,qawi conduct,,huh~~
pasal exam,,more specific,,cara kite study r,,
overall,,lebey kurang jep,,
haha,,hri ne gempak!!!
p/s: nk kuar ptg ne,,,,
Thursday, October 14, 2010
first post
well,,lupe password deh!post2 yg previous ak dh delete,,haha,,entri luahan perasaan,,kaw2 punye!

i'm a big fan of hey!say!jump....
plus j-pop n k-pop!!
klu ad citer best,,surely i will put here..
p/s: i'll be using both english and malay at the same t
ime or separately..
coz it's boring to do it in one language only,,hehe,,
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