Saturday, November 13, 2010


yes,,finally,,i'm at home right now,,(luckily,no flood here!)

okay2,,to tell you bout my exam:it's suck BUT i'm satisfied enough!

haha,,they're saying that what we study is what will we get,,argh!!

just talking about it make me stress,,know what?

i'm sticked with my lappy n on9,,lol,,

AND i had finished my foundation course,,hopefully i can pursue my degree in TESL,,(united 56 of us stand,,)

forever love of my life,,

p/s:maintain cool,dear!

music:deep night-HSJ

Thursday, November 4, 2010


yeah,,i know everyone in perlis(who have a blog of course!) will post this entry,,

flood!it's been almost a week,,we have gone through a rainy day non-stop which make us shivering in the thick blanket,,

well,i got two more paper but i still don't study,,not even read the content,,

wth?ipg become an island as we are surrounded by flood,,AND it's hard to get food as every shop is closed,,(from what i've heard.)

know what,,luckily we received free food,,huhu,,i'm so grateful,,

hopefully my english and social studies exam will go on smoothly next week,,

can't wait to go back home,,afterall,,home sweet home!

here are some pictures that i took from ipg's senior while reading his/her blog,,hehe,,

in front of my ipg,,

from different angle,,

the guard post also received the same fate,,

some of the students that went home using a tractor,,i want to ride it too!

next,,i captured it by myself,,

the view from my block,,

actually there are lots of it,,BUT,,

i'm too lazy too upload it,,haha,,

i only took a walk,,not playing with the water,,WHY?

only me,myself knows the reason,,heee~
